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This part of the documentation helps you install Slack Machine with the least amount of friction, or the most amount of flexibility.

Installing the easy way with pip

Slack Machine is published to the Python package index so you can easily add Slack Machine to your uv project by running:

uv add slack-machine

or add it to your Poetry project:

poetry add slack-machine

Lastly, you can install it using pip (not recommended):

$ pip install slack-machine

It is strongly recommended that you install slack-machine inside a virtual environment!

Installing from source

If you are adventurous, want to modify the core of your Slack Machine instance and want maximum flexibility, you can also install from source. This way, you can enjoy the latest and greatest!

You can either clone the public repository:

git clone git://

Or, download the tarball:

curl -OL

Optionally, zipball is also available (for Windows users).

Once you have a copy of the source, you can embed it in your own Python package, or install it into your virtualenv easily:

cd slack-machine
pip install .